
Mar 28, 20231 min


Hello there, I know we have not wrote in a while. But we got chickens!

We named them too.

There names are Sarai, Foxy lady, Big Momma, April O'Neil, and Charity Gale. They are super pretty.

Their egg colors are crazy too! We have blue eggs, green eggs, brown eggs, and tan-ish pink-ish eggs. bluh

The colored ones are called Easter eggs. Like blue ones and green ones. But sadly they're not Easter eggs. They're just called that because they are colored. I have another fun fact! Chickens are dinosaurs! Such as bees, sea stars, and much more! Foxy lays blue, Charity and April lay green, Sarai lays tan pink, big momma lays brown.

We got a new puppy his name is Kobe. He is adorable!

Ok lets get back to the chickens. Sadly, the bad events that happened have came. So we used to have six chickens but one got sick and went to Heaven. Her name was Shell. Shell looked just like Sarai. The most recent is Charity, she got attacked by a big dog. Ok good thing those are over with.

Guys, I'm getting to the end. Hope y'all liked the blog post. Bye!

~ RaeLynn~
