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Morning detox drink

2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar ( with the mother, that's the good stuff)

Juice of one lemon - fresh is always best

Dash of salt

20 oz of water

We generally chug this an hour before we break our fast. It helps kick start our metabolism before eating the first meal. It doesn't taste the best but on days I take this I feel much more energized and cleaner. I cannot attest to the effectiveness of this drink or if it really even works. I do know it doesn't hurt to make it a part of your daily routine.

I hope either T or I will dabble into intermittent fasting. It definitely works for both of us and we are happy with the results. It's not for everyone, transitioning into this eating habit was at first difficult but is now second nature.

If you haven't already, research about ACV ( apple cider vinegar), probiotics, mothers along with fermented foods. Braggs, the company pictured above, even has an entire book on ACV and how to use it not just in your diet but around your garden and home. Our guts are the biggest role players in our immune systems and its very important information to educate yourself and start towards a healthier lifestyle. I will go in-depth on the topic in the future.

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