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Moose Lake

Updated: Aug 30, 2021

Well, I bit off more than I could chew. I cannot fathom why I thought a 13 mile hike would be a piece of cake, I misjudged my skills and my physical fitness. My pace was still pretty good I believe. I spoke to some fellow hikers and asked how long it took them on the way up. 2.5 hours and the last two miles are straight up a mountain, like literally. Which according to my calculations I completed the first leg of the hike in the same amount of time.

Once I got to the top I saw the outlet stream filled with lively brookies. The hike was grueling but very rewarding. All I kept telling myself during the last two miles was "The best views come after the toughest climbs". It was so breathtakingly beautiful. Serene. At the top was a high alpine lake with emerald waters filled with brook trout. The hikers had told me that this specific line of brook trout is stunted so they only grow to about 10 inches or less. I had packed Tylers 3wt Sage, which use to be my mom's, and tied on a pops brown bugger and smoked them! I timed it, at one point I caught 3 fish in less than a minute. Almost every throw I was a catch. I worked my way around the lake, broke down my rod, then sat in the shade to eat lunch. The hikers made their way back towards the trail and were about to start descending so I tagged along and had a great time talking with them and hearing all their stories and information they had about the area.

The way back was a breeze and the discussions we were having along the way helped the time go by and kept our minds off the fatigue. The second leg of the hike only took us 1.5 hours if that tells you how much harder the way up is. I was so happy to get some alone time and push myself past my limits. My dad and niece watched the girls all day for me so I could have that much needed time to myself. The next few days I was walking a little funny from the soreness but it was a good burn. I got my cardio in for sure, about 2 miles in I was like what the hell, this sucks. But being able to withstand the mental drain, as well as the physical, was very rewarding

Being in Idaho and meeting the locals made me realize how important being in good physical condition is. If I wasn't in shape I wouldn't be able to enjoy half the things Idaho has to offer. I know getting older is inevitable but you MUST stay fit to enjoy your life past your prime. On that hike, I met an older couple that was easily over 70 and they were doing that hike! They didn't make it the full way but they were able to reach the last two miles at least. Amazing. Growing up in the south you don't see many 50 year olds that can walk a mile without passing out.

I hope to make some more hikes as the weather starts to cool off this summer. The girls seem to hang in there more when theres waterfalls involved. I hope all is well and thanks for reading!

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