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Trailer Renovations!

I'm a little excited to share with you something I've been wanting to do for almost two years now! I painted the rest of the interior of our trailer. My Louisiana family may remember last spring when I attempted to paint the trailer. I was viciously attacked by thousands ( LITERALLY) thousands of ladybugs ( technically Japanese lady beetles)! I pulled up to our camping spot and saw a few and just thought it was strange and that they were attracted to the white walls. When I went inside I guess I squished a few when closing the door, which released signals to the rest, within minutes the trailer had been infiltrated to the point where I couldn't paint anymore. Months later I was still finding ladybugs in the cracks around the trailer.

Anyways, so last time I did something like this it was a nightmare. This time we knocked it out in a day or so. Besides painting, we wanted to rip out the bulky valances and install curtains. Every time I brought it up, my dad and Tyler would get to brainstorming and would just overwhelm the whole idea with complicatedness ( men right?). This time we just didn't overthink *gasp* and we got the job done in less than 24 hours. Now our trailer feels completely transformed. To you, it may not seem like a lot but it has made a huge difference to us and really lifted our spirits. We also decided to remove our microwave, we will see how it goes.

I have a few other things I'd like to do to the trailer, like add a bit more insulation to certain areas. I'd also like to see what life in the trailer without a tv would be like, mainly I just want my grandfather's artwork in its place. This winter we've been in the snow more than we've liked. We've gotten to ride out a winter storm with temps dropping below zero. Not what I like to call fun but the snow has given us a reason to get outside and break out the snowboard/sleds.

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