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Maintenance day

After arriving at our new spot, as I go to chalk our tires I realized our rear tire was extremely worn on the inside. Went around and check the other tires and the rear tire on the driver side and it was worn as well. So trusty google told us that we have too much weight on one side. Our trailer has never shown that our weight was unevenly distributed. The side with the most wearing is our kitchen side which holds all our food and canned goods. Everything heavy in the trailer was on that side. So we took the time to rearrange and switch things around in the entire trailer. The above picture was my rearranging of our gear.

Tomorrow we go to get the tires changed out, then will move locations. We realized we've been around 20,000 miles with this trailer in a year and have not yet rotated them. If the Marine Corps taught me anything they taught me preventative maintenance is key and would have saved us a few hundred dollars. Live and learn.

We also bent one of our jacks going down a steep slope to get into a spot. Easy cheap fix. It is functional right now without replacing the jack. We figured we will probably scrap it again somehow and are not really concerned about it. Little things here and there that come with dragging your home into the rugged wilderness and across the nation.

We have been blessed enough to have Tyler home for a month now since the oil field slowed down. This is the most he's been home in over 7 years, we made sure to pack our summer full during this time. Hopefully, oil picks back up soon but thankfully we've been through a bust before and live well below our means as well as hoarding money throughout this whole pandemic.

We will soon be heading to New Mexico for my 16-hour sleeve. I've been very patient, I had to reschedule due to state restrictions and this time I get to see my in-laws and some family friends. Then I will be on my way to the swamp to melt in the dewy humidity. We have been able to chase perfect weather for a year now and I'm afraid I will be a tad bit whiney about the Louisiana heat. Nonetheless, we will prevail.

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