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Fishing with Children

I really feel like the majority of people understand how difficult it is to fish with toddlers. Especially with the added frustrations of fly fishing and the danger of the water itself. Theres always those few who are like "What? Why didnt you fish that?!" We have the ability to fish some really great water that some anglers dream their whole lives fishing. We chose to stay away from the bigger faster rivers which hold monster trout. It's heartbreaking but the safety of our kids is always our top priority. I'm a freak about predators and I'm constantly worrying and wanting my eyes on the girls. I'm not trying to be a helicopter mom but they are the perfect size for a really easy meal for certain animals. Bears don't really bother me as much as the big cats do. I realize these wild animals are scared of us and we generally do a good job of making ourselves known and heard while in the wilderness. With that being said we are in THEIR territory.

Along with those issues I have to keep in the back of my mind as we adventure out, the other obstacle that causes stress. Food, being able to provide enough food to fuel them as we hike 5 to 6 miles is challenging. Then, exhausted, I drag myself into my truck and realize, I have to cook dinner when we get home. My kids are still bouncing off the walls. I'm ready for bed. Eating out sounds heavenly but as we try to become debt free that is a luxury we are not willing to splurge on. It seems simple but seriously, we never bring enough food. It's frustrating. They constantly eat. As I'm trying to get my groove on and catch beautiful trout I'm having to mother simultaneously and it's extremely challenging for me. Patience. Endurance. Self Control. All these things both T and I struggle with. We don't have the luxury of grandparents or sitters as we travel the country. We did choose this lifestyle and we love the opportunities we are given. Having to know our limitations is something we are juggling with this lifestyle.

Anglers are blown away that I can camp 5 minutes from world-renowned rivers and not even attempt to fish. It's not that I don't have the courage or that I'm inexperienced. It's simply that I know my limits and I know my children. It was hard scrolling through my feed and seeing monster trout after monster trout. I know I can do it, it's just not that season in my life right now. Once our girls are older and stronger I will have the confidence to go out and do what everyone else is doing by pulling those hogs out of those big rivers.

So next time you see a family on the river or trail please take the time and thank them for making the effort to do this with tiny ones. It's not easy. It is about the experience and getting this country's children outdoors and playing in the dirt. Being purposeful.

As we mature we are understanding this is about the bigger picture. Sometimes it's the smaller battles that win the war. Their brains flourish in nature and that is what we keep in mind as we question ourselves if it is really worth it. It is.

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