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Birthday hike

The girls and I managed to get a hike in before our trek west with my niece to celebrate her 14th birthday. It was surprisingly gorgeous and the girls performed well. I had planned a 7-mile hike but unfortunately, due to the damage this hurricane season, all trails were closed in our local national park. So we went and visited this 3.5-mile trail at Indian creek campground in Woodworth, Louisiana. After the first 2 miles, I think the girls had seen enough and were ready to be done.

The last time we all tried to hike together it was probably the hottest week that summer and it was quite miserable but still beautiful. Im sure she was hesitant about going again, but this time was much cooler. It was nice being in the presence of a teenager not on their phone. A breath of fresh air with that generation. Every time we came to a hill, the girls would hold hands and run wildly as fast as their legs would take them. Giggling the whole way, yet still nervously laughing as they know they could easily face plant into the ground with one wrong step.

When we came near the water, we'd stop and look for Alligators cruising by, though we saw none the fun of fear was still there. Like they really wanted to see one but...It'd be great if we didn't. It was fun to let loose and get some energy out since we hadn't had much time to do that this visit. I enjoy the hikes we take with our kids as it teaches all little things like "Mom just stop for a minute and look at this cool rock!" Different shaped rocks. Cool sand and fallen leaves. Tiny details in everything that my girls notice and appreciate, that they want you to see to bring you the same kind of joy.

As we head west for a mild winter I hope to get back out there and be more active again like we were in Colorado. I hope everyone has safe travels this holiday and wish you good health in hopes you don't get the "deadly virus".

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